Greetings, dear parishioners of St. Eugene's.
My name is Brian Michael Page, and I am honored and humbled to serve as your 8:00 Mass organist.
While serving at St. Eugene's, I am also organist/music director at Sacred Heart Church in West Warwick, where I've been for the last 13-1/2 years. A shrink in my Mass schedule last August has made me available to be here today.
I am also a composer of sacred music. My works include
Holy Angels Mass, which is a setting of the Mass in English based mainly on the Gregorian
Mass VIII (Missa de Angelis),
Psalm 151, a complete set of Propers of the Mass for Sundays and major feasts, several hymns and miscellaneous responsories (including my own setting of
Christus Vincit, which I sang during Communion last Sunday), and my latest "work in progress", the
Christus Vincit Gradual, an expanded and updated version of
Psalm 151 that includes weekdays as well. These can be found at
I just hit sixty last summer. I am married to a beautiful and wonderful wife, Ann. We have two sons, Christopher and Brian (Brian Robert, that is, the "Robert" is after my father and my father-in-law), two daughters, Jessica and Brittany, a grandson, Anthony ("A.J."), and another grandson due in March 2025. I am greatly blessed with this family!
I am grateful to George Mancini, my predecessor, for tipping me off about his retirement. I pretty much landed at Sacred Heart the same way back in April 2011, when Dave Sylvester, my predecessor there, retired. I am equally grateful to Father Dandeneau for giving me the opportunity to expand my horizon and serve the people of St. Eugene's. After Mass last Sunday, he said he heard you singing as he processed in. That, of course, is a good sign!
That said, here is the music list for Holy Mass this coming Sunday at 8:00 AM (the First Sunday of Advent, or as I often write, "I Advent"). The numbers are those in the Breaking Bread hymnals found in the pews, the first line or title of the hymn is in italics, and the name of the tune is in "quotation marks". In another post, I will explain "text" and "tune" further. Also, I will try to provide a "Listen" link whenever possible.
Entrance hymn: #39 O come, O come, Emmanuel ("Veni, Emmanuel")
Kyrie (if sung): #840 Mass XVI
Responsorial Psalm (Psalm 25): R./ To you, O Lord, I lift my soul (response music by Robert J. Twynham)
Alleluia "Conditor Alme" (music by yours truly, based on the Advent chant
Conditor Alme Siderum, or
Creator of the Stars of Night) (
Offertory hymn: #47
The King shall come when morning dawns ("Morning Song") (
Sanctus: #842 Mass XVIII
Memorial Acclamation: #875 Heritage Mass
Amen: #878 Heritage Mass
Agnus Dei: #846 Mass XVIII
Anthem during Communion: To you I lift my soul (text by John Dunn, tune "Love Unknown" by John Ireland). This hymn is based on Psalm 25, from which the Responsorial Psalm is also taken, as well as the Introit and Offertory of the day as given in the Graduale Romanum.
Meditation hymn: #43
People, look east ("Besancon Carol") (verses 1-3) (
Recessional hymn: #42
Come, thou long-expected Jesus ("Stuttgart") (
As I end all my posts,
Quod scripsi, scripsi! (What I have written, I have written! This was Pilate's response defending his inscription of the Cross of Christ.)
God bless.