Friday, December 13, 2024


Gaudete in Domino semper; iterum dico, "Gaudete!"

That is how the introit appointed for the Third Sunday of Advent begins.  Its translation is "Rejoice in the Lord always; again I say, "Rejoice!"  St. Paul writes to the Philippians in this Sunday's Epistle reading those same words.  The Lesson from Zephaniah for the day says, "Be glad and exult (synonym for "rejoice") with all your heart."  And even the Psalm response (note that the Responsorial Psalm is not a Psalm but a passage from Isaiah (12:2-6): "Cry out with joy and gladness", and doubles up on the third versicle.

The offertory and recessional hymns, as well as the responsory I selected for Communion, all bid "Rejoice!" in some way, shape or form, while the entrance hymn mentions John the Baptist's announcement of the Lord's coming.  The Second and Third Sundays of Advent could easily be called "John the Baptist Sundays", eh?  Yea, I say!

That said...


The rest:
Entrance hymn: #41 On Jordan's bank ("Winchester New")
- John's announcement of the coming of our Lord.
Kyrie (if sung): #840 Mass XVI
Responsorial Psalm (Isaiah 12:2-6): R./ Cry out with joy and gladness, for among you is the great and Holy One of Israel. (Fr. Samuel Weber, OSB)
Alleluia "Conditor Alme" (music by yours truly, based on the Advent chant Conditor Alme Siderum, or Creator of the Stars of Night) (PDF)
Offertory hymn: #39 O come, O come, Emmanuel ("Veni, Emmanuel")
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel shall come to thee, O Israel!
Sanctus: #842 Mass XVIII
Memorial Acclamation: #875 Heritage Mass
Amen: #878 Heritage Mass
Agnus Dei: #846 Mass XVIII
Communion responsory: Magnificat anima mea Dominum (Tone 8g/Ciro Grassi)
Translation: My soul rejoices in my God.  The first verse continues: "My spirit rejoices in God my Savior."
Meditation hymn: #67 Creator of the stars of night ("Conditor Alme Siderum")
Recessional hymn: #724 Rejoice! the Lord is King ("Darwall's 148th"), verses 1 and 4
- The refrain concludes: Rejoice, again I say, "Rejoice!"  While this hymn is normally used for the Solemnity of Christ the King, the refrain and the fourth verse are especially fitting here.  Verse 4 sings, "Rejoice in glorious hope; Our Lord the Judge shall come and take his servants up to there eternal home.  Lift up your heart, lift up your voice; Rejoice, again I say, 'Rejoice'"

Gaudete in Domino semper!  Iterum dico, "Gaudete!"

Quod scripsi, scripsi!

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