We are now in what is often known as the "green season" (for the green vestments at Mass), and what the modern liturgists in many countries call "Ordinary Time". This is also known as "Season of the Year", or more literally (from the Latin "per Annum"), "Season through the Year."
This Sunday is marked as the Second Sunday of the Year. That is because the First Week of the Year started last Monday, as Sunday last week was the Baptism of the Lord, the final day of the Christmas Season.
For the third Sunday in a row, we will sing Songs of thankfulness and praise, this time as the meditation hymn (or as my predecessor used to call it jokingly, the "medication hymn"). The second verse reflects the Gospel of the day (the wedding feast at Cana) quite nicely.
Manifest at Jordan's stream, Prophet, priest and King supreme;
And at Cana, wedding guest, In thy Godhead manifest.
Manifest in pow'r divine, Changing water into wine.
Anthems be to thee addressed, God in man made manifest.
During Communion I will sing an original setting of the antiphon which also reflects the Gospel: Fill the jars with water, and bring them to the master of the feast.
At the offertory we will sing a new hymn, God we praise you, which will be taught approximately five minutes before Mass begins.
That said, I present to you...
Entrance hymn: #313 All people that on earth do dwell ("Old Hundredth") (Listen)
- NOTE: The tune is mostly likely familiar (think "Praise God from whom all blessings flow"), but the listen link is a really nifty choral arrangement by Ralph Vaughan Williams which includes brass fanfares. He originally composed this arrangement for the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II.
Psalm 96: R./ Proclaim his marvelous deeds to all the nations (Fr. Samuel Weber, OSB)
Alleluia I for Ordinary Time (BMP) (Listen)
- This Alleluia setting has been sung before here at Sacred Heart, and has also been used at the Church of St. Stephen Martyr in Washington, DC, the origin of this listen link.
Offertory hymn: #218 God, we praise you (Listen) (NEW)
Sanctus: #874 Heritage Mass
Memorial Acclamation: We proclaim your death, O Lord... #875 Heritage Mass
Amen: #878 Heritage Mass
Agnus Dei: #879 Heritage Mass
Communion responsory: Psalm 66, R./ Fill the jars with water, and bring them to the master of the feast (BMP)
Meditation hymn: #112 Songs of thankfulness and praise ("Salzburg")
Recessional hymn: #446 The Church's one foundation ("Aurelia") (Listen)
Quod scripsi, scripsi!
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