Entrance hymn: #212 Praise to the Lord, the Almighty ("Lobe den Herren")
Gloria: Holy Angels Mass (BMP) or recited
Psalm 19: R./ Your words, Lord, are spirit and life (BMP) (PDF)
Alleluia I for Ordinary Time (BMP)
Offertory hymn: #218 God, we praise you (Listen) (NEW)
Sanctus: #874 Heritage Mass
Memorial Acclamation: We proclaim your death, O Lord... #875 Heritage Mass
Amen: #878 Heritage Mass
Agnus Dei: #879 Heritage Mass
Communion responsory: The Spirit of God (Lucien Deiss, C.S.Sp.) (Listen)
- NOTE: Reviving a lost classic from the French Holy Ghost Father who gave us "All the earth proclaim the Lord" and "Keep in mind". Matches well with the Alleluia verse for the day. Many of his responsories and hymns were originally written in French. However, they were translated into English and Spanish as well.
Meditation hymn: #724 Rejoice, the Lord is King ("Darwall's 148th")
Recessional hymn: #205 Now thank we all our God ("Nun Danket")
Quod scripsi, scripsi!
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