Entrance hymn: #117 When Jesus comes to be baptized ("Winchester New") (Listen)
- NOTE: The listen link given is for the hymn "On Jordan's bank", which we sang for Sundays II and III of Advent. "When Jesus comes to be baptized" is sung to the exact same tune. I found it rather appropriate that the publishers of the Breaking Bread hymnal used that same tune, linking John the Baptist and the Baptism of our Lord.
Psalm 104: R./ O bless the Lord, my soul (Fr. Samuel Weber, OSB)
Alleluia "Divinum Mysterium" (BMP) (PDF)
- NOTE: I was very pleased to hear the singing last Sunday of this particular hymn. Not many parishes use it, but it's very appropriate for the Epiphany (last Sunday), the Baptism of the Lord (this Sunday) and the Second Sunday of the Year (next Sunday), in which the wedding feast at Cana is in that day's Gospel.
Hymn during Communion: When John baptized by Jordan's river ("Rendez à Dieu")
Hymn during Communion: When John baptized by Jordan's river ("Rendez à Dieu")
- NOTE: The listen link given is a gorgeous choral arrangement by Gustav Holst. Holst is also the composer of the hymntune "Thaxted", part of the "Jupiter" movement of his suite, "The Planets". "Thaxted" is the tune of the English patriotic hymn, "I vow to thee, my country" and the hymn "O God, beyond all praising".
Recessional hymn: #90 Joy to the world ("Antioch")
- NOTE: Some may find it strange that I programmed a Christmas carol in the middle of January. Think of the line, "Let earth receive her King!" Let us receive Christ our King as John the Baptist did. Besides, is there really a much better way to close out the Christmas season?
Quod scripsi, scripsi!
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